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Basketball Play - SSG: PNR React Drill

SSG: PNR React Drill

Zachary Weir 10/08/2018

A great drill that combines ball screen reads with a SSG. The offense is put into different ball screen situations all over the court and given an advantage. The goal of the offense is to use the ball screen, find the advantage quickly and score. The fiirst progression is that the offense will get one ball screen and one oppurtunity to score. Progressions: 1. Add the missing defender after a set amount of time. (7 seconds) and play it live. 2. Change PnR coverage to work on all situations. (Soft hedge, Blitz, Switch, Hard Hedge, etc..) See More

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Basketball Play - Finland - Diamond 53

Finland - Diamond 53

Ryan Nguyen 09/18/2018

This is one of the many "Diamond" sets from Henrik Dettmann of the Finnish National Team. As 4 slips the ball screen, this creates an advantage for the offense as x5 has to help on the slip. As x5 helps, 5 sets a pindown for 3. Because x5 is helping on the slip from 4, the offense creates a 2-on-1 advantage on the weak side since there is no help on 3 as he comes off the screen. See More

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Basketball Play - Toledo Rockets - Horns Floppy: Spain SPNR Counter

Toledo Rockets - Horns Floppy: Spain SPNR Counter

Dave Nedbalek 08/26/2018

This is a counter from the base action I diagramed entitled, "Toledo Horns Floppy." This is a very simple yet effective counter you can run with this set. The vide below is not of this set itselft, but the base Horns Floppy action. As 2 comes off of 5's floppy screen, 4 will hit 2 and sprint straight into a side pick and roll. 2 will hunt the nail pulling the ball two bounces away from the screen looking to get in the paint with a scoring mindset first. As 4 rolls to the rim 5 will set a back screen on the defender in ball screen coverage. I worded that carefully to account for the likelihood of a switch. Screen the defender that is in ball screen coverage. After setting the back screen, 5 will pop to recover spacing/get outside of the 3pt line. This is a deadly action if you have a 5 who can step out and shoot it. 2's reads: 1) score 2) Lob/pass to 4 rolling 3) 5 popping It goes without saying that if the weak side defense hugs in, then 2 would kickout to 1, or 3 holding the side ready to shoot. Click here for more plays by Dave Nedbalek! See More

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Basketball Play - Atlanta Hawks - Loop Oklahoma

Atlanta Hawks - Loop Oklahoma

Ryan Nguyen 08/24/2018

Budenholzer ran this "Loop" set last year with the Atlanta Hawks to create an open 3 for a stretch big. The action starts off with a pin down into a loop cut across the elbow by the PG/1. As 1 completes cut, 5 immediately turns and sets a ball screen for 2. 5 then rolls into a pin down for 4 who comes off the screen looking for a shot. Offense creates a 3-on-2 advantage on the weak side as the ball handler occupies the screener's defender. See More

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